Pottery recovered from the excavations on
Wednesbury High Street (see below) is now being cleaned and processed.
Some of the finds laid out to dry. These trays probably represent 5% of the total assem- blage.The assemblage overall seems to date from the 13th to the 18th centuries, although the main area of interest is the large quantity of sherds associated with
pottery manufacture near the site between about 1500 and about 1700. Unfortunately during the present excavations we were unable to locate the kiln, but
wasters and
saggars were recovered, as well as a large deposit of
burnt clay (probably the lining of a kiln).
Cistercian-type two-handled pots which collapsed during firing.
Slip-decorated black-glazed earthen-ware.Apologies for the poor quality of these photos, which have been taken in the excitement of the ongoing finds processing. 'Proper' photos will be taken and uploaded here once the finds are dried and marked (and after Simon has taken off his marigolds!).